On June 23, 86 new professors recieved their titles in the big hall at Carolinum of Charles University. Seven professors from the Czech Technical University in Prague were among them.
Students of the Faculty of Civil Engineering built a unique straw house with the support of a grant and a sponsor's help at the premises of the CTU University Center of Energy-Efficient Buildings in Buštěhrad. In practice, it will allow them to study the design and construction of the hay-based house, heat-humidity status of straw walls, the performance of clay plasters, defects caused by deficiencies in the design or execution of the building. They will also observe the fire characteristics of the straw construction and its fire behavior. The result of experimental research will be a number of diploma theses and the gain of valuable information, which can make a significant contribution to improving knowledge about the construction of environmentally friendly building materials and products in practice.
The electric formula from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering was presented on 16 June in the lower part of Wenceslas Square in Prague. The monopost was designed and built during this year's academic year by students themselves. The presentation culminated with dynamics demonstrations of the car.
According to the specialisation charts for 2017/2018, published by Quacquarelli Symonds (QS), CTU moved to 491th place compared to last year's 501st place. We are thus still the best Czech technical college.
On 7 June, the L'Oréal-UNESCO Award for Women in Science was awarded at the French Embassy in Prague. One of the laureates is Anna Kučerová from the Faculty of Civil Engineering, which deals with probabilistic engineering mechanics.
On Wednesday, 31 May , students of six faculties of three universities met at the Masaryk Institute, where they presented and discussed the results of their creative work in economic and interdisciplinary fields of the Albín Bráf conference.
A long-standing open problem of linear systems theory – decoupling by static state feedback – has been resolved by Professor Vladimír Kučera from the Czech Institute of Informatics, Robotics, and Cybernetics. The earliest known investigation of system decoupling dates back to 1934, a state space formulation of the problem appeared in 1964, and a solution for square and invertible systems followed in 1967. The general case of right invertible systems, however, has withstood all past efforts to obtain a solution.
On 24 May, the Neuron Prize for Young Scientists was presented at Archa Theater in Prague. Associate Professor Daniel Sýkora from the Department of Computer Graphics and Interaction of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering of the Czech Technical University was among the winners, thanks to algorithms helping illustrators at work. For the first time in history, the award was awarded in the field of computer science.
At the Faculty of Information Technology of CTU, a laboratory focused on film production was officially opened on 18 May. The modern workplace was created thanks to cooperation with the international IT company, Showmax.
Jakub Vašek, student of the Faculty of Civil Engineering of the Czech Technical University, placed third in the Xella international competition. It was held for twenty-first time and the subject this year was design of the new building of the Moravian Gallery in Brno.
