On Friday 10 February, Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering joined the international project “Finding the Higgs boson decay of Z0” on the ATLAS experiment at the LHC, organized in cooperation with the International Group for popularizing Particle Physics, (IPPOG) the European Physical Society EPS and CERN on the occasion of the International Day of Women and Girls in Science due on 11 February.
On February 6 to 10, the prestigious scientific institution Lorentz Center in Leiden, Netherlands, hosted international conference Path Integration in Complex Dynamical Systems held, bringing together the world's top scientists from 18 countries. The conference was organized under the auspices of the Lorentz Centre and the Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering of CTU. The role of the main organizer was taken by Dr. Petr Jizba from the faculty together with prof. S. Kirchner from Zhejiang University in China, prof. L. Schulman from SUNY in New York, USA and prof. J. Zaanen of Leiden University in the Netherlands.
Scientist team from the Department of Economics, Management and Humanities of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, together with colleagues from Silva Tarouca Research Institute for Landscape and Ornamental Gardening (VÚKOZ) at the Department of Phytoenergetics and Biodiversity proposed a new methodology for mapping the potential of biomass for energy use in a given area. Research was noticed by the prestigious scientific journal Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, which in January published an article "Short-term boosting of biomass energy sources - Determination of the biomass potential for prevention of regional Crisis Situations".
Faculty of Biomedical Engineering in Kladno inaugurated the newly built Laboratory of Biochemistry and Clinical Biochemistry on 9 February at 13.00. Besides faculty management representatives, the event was also attended by the Deputy Mayor of Kladno, Ing. Premysl Mužík.
For the 19th time, The Siemens Czech awarded the best young scientists, students and teachers in the prestigious science competition, Werner von Siemens Prize. At the gala evening at the Bethlehem Chapel on 9 February, Marek Novák from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering received the award in the most significant result of research and innovation category. The student was awarded for the development of miniature meter with accessible operation and connection to the smartphone. Award for the best doctoral dissertation written by a woman was taken by Neda Neykova from the Department of Solid State Engineering at Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering, focusing on hydrothermal synthesis of ZnO nanorods and nanoshells for use in photovoltaics.
The first Czech medal at the 28th World Winter Universiade in Almaty, Kazakhstan, was taken by ski jumper Marta Křepelková, student of the cybernetics and robotics course at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering.
Technology Centre of the Czech Academy of Sciences published an outline of all 169 Czech institutions involved in Horizon 2020 program divided by number and type of projects implemented. CTU occupied the first rank with 28 projects.
Since the beginning of this year, the Department of Computer Science at Faculty of Electrical Engineering has Dr. Bestoun S. Ahmed of Iraqi Kurdistan on board, as he had won an international competition for the position of assistant professor in the field of software engineering. His salary is funded by Red Hat through the Red Hat Chair of Software Engineering partnership project. Relocation of Dr. Bestoun was also supported by the Fund for Internationalization of the Dean of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, prof. Pavel Ripka.
The Czech Institute of Informatics, Robotics and Cybernetics of CTU was visited by Professor Noh, Sand Do and Shin Yong-Kang, Ph.D., from the Korean Sungkyunkwan University on 23 January. Professor Noh is responsible, among other things, for the newly created Department of Smart Factory Convergence in his home university and is an active figure in the national initiative Korean Industrial Revolution 3.0, the equivalent of Czech Industry 4.0.
From 16 to 27 January, the first edition of Nuclear research reactor practicum course, organized for American students and teachers from the Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey (MIIS), was conducted at the Department of Nuclear Reactors of the Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering . Course participants attended lectures and practical exercises and also received a unique chance to try to start a nuclear reactor.
