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Since the beginning of this year, the Department of Computer Science at Faculty of Electrical Engineering has Dr. Bestoun S. Ahmed of Iraqi Kurdistan on board, as he had won an international competition for the position of assistant professor in the field of software engineering. His salary is funded by Red Hat through the Red Hat Chair of Software Engineering partnership project. Relocation of Dr. Bestoun was also supported by the Fund for Internationalization of the Dean of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, prof. Pavel Ripka.

Dr. Bestoun defended his doctoral thesis at Universiti Sains Malaysia, where he devoted himself mainly to distributed systems and software testing. He then worked in Malaysia as a scientist and educator. From 2015, he worked as a researcher at the Swiss Institute for Artificial Intelligence IDSIA, where he received the prestigious scholarship of the Swiss Government for foreign scientists.

Dr. Bestoun will hold the Red Hat funded position of assistant professor for software engineering at the Department of Computer Science of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering. He will spend exploring artificial intelligence methods in software engineering and software testing. Besides, he will recite the Software Systems Architecture class, taught in English at the Open Informatics graduate program.