
This September (9-13 September), the first micro-certificate course entitled "Applied Artificial Intelligence for Technical Innovation" will take place in Prague and Munich. The course, which is part of lifelong learning programme at CTU, has been created thanks to a unique collaboration between the EuroTeQ Alliance and the Czech Technical University in Prague (CTU), the Technical University of Munich (TUM) and two partners from industry - Valeo and the German expert on AI applications in industry AppliedAI.
Call for Applications in the fields of Engineering, Mathematics and Physics.
Do you want to contribute to the environmental sustainability of cities?
Those interested in studying who have not yet managed to submit their application have a chance at Faculty of Civil Engineering of CTU in Prague. Until 31 July 2024, they can apply in the second round of the admission procedure for five bachelor's degree programmes in Czech and one in English.
As part of lifelong learning, three new courses in the field of IT and cyber security will be available from September at the Czech Technical University in Prague, providing an excellent opportunity for experts and beginners alike.


Handling hazardous materials, building specific structures, diagnosing structures, locating people during unexpected events, automation, increasing productivity, higher levels of work safety, reducing errors, connection to modern BIM technologies and in the future to artificial intelligence and much more. All this was addressed by leaders of the Czech construction industry and representatives of academia at the Josef Underground Laboratory at the "Robotics in Underground" event, which focused on the possible future challenges that robotics opens up in this environment. The event was jointly organised by the Centre for Experimental Geotechnics of Faculty of Civil Engineering, the Experimental Centre of Faculty of Civil Engineering, the National Centre for Construction 4.0 and representatives of partner companies.
The first International Quantum Hackathon at FIT CTU attracted 44 young talents from all over the world. Nine student teams worked for two days on solving problems using quantum technologies. The topics ranged from mine detection in the seas, to technologies in medicine, security in the energy sector and space technologies. The winning team consisted of students from Faculty of Information Technology of Czech Technical University in Prague and a high school student from the Secondary School of Economics in Pilsen (SPŠE Plzeň). Results were announced at the follow-up conference Quantum Day on 26 June 2024. Faculty of Information Technology (CTU FIT) and Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering (CTU FJFI) were the CTU organizers of both events together with the CzechInvest agency and partners IBM and Tensor Ventures.
The new autonomous electroformula developed by the eForce Prague Formula student team has several major differences from last year's model. For example, the technological innovations improve the aerodynamics of the car. Today, the team members presented the Formula at a ceremony in the Škoda Museum in Mladá Boleslav. In July, the first of a series of four races awaits the pilots of the team, consisting mainly of students of Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Faculty of Mechanical Engineering.
Digitisation represents a major opportunity for the Czech Republic, which could help it to become one of the most developed countries in the world. Traditionally, the international conference Digital Czechia helps to achieve this goal. This year for the ninth time.
Pupils, teachers, parents and friends of the University Primary School Lvíčata (Lion cubs) celebrated the end of the school year together at the CTU Kotlářka sports ground.