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On February 6 to 10, the prestigious scientific institution Lorentz Center in Leiden, Netherlands, hosted international conference Path Integration in Complex Dynamical Systems held, bringing together the world's top scientists from 18 countries. The conference was organized under the auspices of the Lorentz Centre and the Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering of CTU. The role of the main organizer was taken by Dr. Petr Jizba from the faculty together with prof. S. Kirchner from Zhejiang University in China, prof. L. Schulman from SUNY in New York, USA and prof. J. Zaanen of Leiden University in the Netherlands.
The experts presented their results in areas on the border between quantum theory and the theory of complex dynamical systems. Entries included four key areas, namely quantum gravity and cosmology, exotic properties of solids, biophysics and biochemistry and econophysics. The lectures were free and open to the general public and due to its didactic nature, particularly suitable for beginner scientists. More than half of the participants were PhD students and young post-doc fellows. The conference was attended by young scientists from the CTU, strong both in the number of registered participants and the number of invited guests.
The conference was financed from funds provided by the Lorentz Center, University of Leiden, Amsterdam University, The Netherlands Science Foundation (NWO), US Army (RDECOM), US AirForce and the Czech Grant Agency (GA CR).