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The first year of the FEL_Camp camp took place at the tent base of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering in Temešvár near the Orlík Dam from 6 to 9 August. High school students had to find the wreckage of a crashed plane and save the survivors. They had to use a lot of knowledge in the field of electronics, energetics and ICT to successfully complete the task. Throughout the course, they were assisted by instructors from the ranks of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering.
Participants of the event, led by teachers from the study programs Electronics and Communication and Electrical Engineering, Energy and Management, learned to work in the emergency conditions of the camp without the availability of the electricity network and the Internet. They had to set up a solar power plant, connect to the sensor network, decode the GPS coordinates, and find the black boxes of the crashed plane. Then they had to assemble radio receivers, tune them correctly, and locate the crash site in difficult terrain.
It was once again confirmed that completing a real task and motivation by game gives students much more than the gray theory from the school desks. The students accomplished everything very well and the expectations of the preparatory team were fulfilled.
More information and further pictures are available at