Doc. Vojtěch Petráček and the President of the Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic Radek Vondráček met at the University Center of Energy-Efficient CTU Buildings on Wednesday, 22 August and together inspected the S.A.W.E.R. system which will form the technological core of the Czech National Pavilion at the World Expo 2020 exhibition in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
Dne 21. srpna byla u Fakulty elektrotechnické ČVUT v Praze v Kampusu Dejvice spuštěna nová virtuální keška. Ta unikátním způsobem připomíná místo, odkud bylo tehdejší Československo připojeno k internetu. Právě jeho nástup pomohl k rozšíření celosvětové hry Geocaching.
The ninth annual CTU Camp Jáma Lvová (the Lion´s pit) took place in Svatý Štěpán. This was attended by 24 gifted children from the second level of elementary schools and multi-year grammar schools from all over the Czech Republic. The camp, which is the closing ceremony of the year-long mathematical and programming correspondence competition, was set this year in a divine theme. Participants in the role of the gods controlled course of the world, cared for the welfare of their sheep flock and faced many threats.
A total of 35 students took part in the two-week long 13th annual Summer University at the Temelin Nuclear Power Plant this year. The event took place from 23 July to 3 August. The participants included 6 students from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, 5 students from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, 9 students from the Faculty of Nuclear and Physical Engineering and one from the Faculty of Biomedical Engineering of the Czech Technical University in Prague.
In the second half of July, one of the three training camps of the Czech Republic's Secondary Czech Cyber Security Championship, which are preparing Czech students for the European finals, took place at the Cyber Security Training Center of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering. It is organized by the European Network and Information Security Agency (ENISA) and will take place in London from 15 to 17 October.
The rector of the Czech Technical University in Prague, doc. RNDr. Vojtěch Petráček, CSc., And President of the Research Institute of Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials (KIMM) Chunhong Park signed a Memorandum of Understanding. The conclusion of the Memoranda was initiated by KIMM as an expression of interest in deepening the cooperation at the level of the whole CTU based on the successful solution of the existing cooperation projects, especially the ones by Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, represented by the Dean, prof. Ing. Michael Valášek, DrSc., Head of the Institute of Production Machines and Equipment (RCMT) Ing. Petr Kolář, Ph.D., and Ing. Matěj Sulitka, Ph.D., Head of Co-operation Projects.
Under the leadership of prof. Miroslav Bárta, the Czech Institute of Egyptology at Charles University has long been developing research on the dynamics of the development of complex societies based on the study of anatomy of the internal dynamics of ancient Egyptian civilization. Since 2006 major activities in this field include the creation and intensive implementation of the database of officials buried in Abusir and adjacent burial grounds in Sakkara and Giza and other selected locations under the guidance of Dr. Veronika Dulíková. Due to the scope of the database, it was necessary to find methods that can handle fragmented information. At this stage, the researchers of Charles University teamed up with experts from CTU, namely Ing. Radek Marík from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering. Gradually, the Egyptology and Cybernetics team succeeded in applying several methods of cybernetics and artificial intelligence, and gained support at the Grant Agency of the Czech Republic for the project "Methods of Complex Networks Applied to the Data of Ancient Egypt in the Age of the Old Kingdom (2700 - 2180 BC)". The main objective of the project is a new approach to processing and interpretation of available data from the period of pyramid builders and the use of semi-automated methods in their processing. A new scientific field of cyber-egyptology was defined by this project.
Mgr. Ing. Jiřina Maříková was appointed the new director of the University Kindergarten and Elementary School CTU Lvíčata (The CTU Cubs) by the Rector of CTU in Prague doc. Vojtěch Petráček on June 19. Gradually, she met with parents of children attending both The Cubs kindergarten and the parents of children attending CTU Elementary School. She had briefly introduced her concept of school management at a meeting in elementary school that she is going to implement in the following school year. She was supported by two new elementary school teachers.
Ing. Milan Šulc and prof. Jiří Matas from the Department of Cybernetics at Faculty of Electrical Engineering conduct a research on plants and fungi recognition from photographs. With their system based on deep neural networks developed in co-operation with Ing. Lukáš Picek from the Department of Cybernetics at University of Life Sciences in Prague, they have won the first place yet in three international competitions.
At the tram line section between the stops Nový Hloubětín and Vozovna Hloubětín, a unique noise mitigation measure for towns, the so-called urban noise barrier, has been tested since July. The curtain was built along the 50 meters portion of the track during maintenance work which has been underway since March. Its unique low height of mere 30 centimeters above the rail make it the lowest noise level of its kind in Europe. However, the aperture should provide attenuation of the noise from the passing tram in the range of 3 to 5 decibels. It is made of recycled materials and can be quickly dismantled in the event of an accident on the track, which will allow unobstructed intervention of rescue teams. The barrier was developed by experts from the Department of Railway Structures at the Faculty of Civil Engineering in cooperation with MONTSTAV. The work connected with the realization of the noise barrier in Hloubětín was carried out with the financial support of the Prague Operational Programme - the Pole of Growth of the Czech Republic.
