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Czech Technical University in Prague signed a license to use CoroVent ventilator during crisis on Saturday, 4 April, 2020.

Based on long-term research work of prof. Karel Roubík from the Faculty of Biomedical Engineering of CTU and his team created a unique protected solution of lung ventilation designed for the treatment of COVID19. In cooperation with partners from COVID19CZ a CoroVent lung ventilator was prepared on the basis of this solution.

The first 250 ventilators were paid for by people and companies in a public collection and the devices will be distributed to hospitals in the Czech Republic.
On Saturday, 4 April, 2020, the Rector of CTU in Prague doc. RNDr. Vojtěch Petráček, CSc., the project manager and inventor prof. Ing. Karel Roubík, Ph.D., and inventor Ing. Václav Ort signed a temporary license, allowing to offer the whole concept as open source, or to be more exact - open hardware. This means that we will provide all  documentation, drawings and codes to similarly composed teams of engineers, doctors and government representatives in each country, so that any company in the world with sufficient knowledge of pneumatic conduits and electronics will be able to start production very quickly. CoroVent principles are provided free of charge to the world during the coronavirus crisis!
“It is similar in quality and safety to ventilators used in intensive care units, but does not have the functionalities unnecessary for coronavirus patients. This makes it easier to operate and does not need such trained personnel as with classic ventilator,” Prof. Karel Roubík described CoroVent.

“We at CTU are happy that the long-term research work of Professor Roubík and his team from the Faculty of Biomedical Engineering has materialized into a patented gentle lung ventilation solution adapted to treat COVID19 and that this patent was used in the CoroVent ventilator going into serial production. In addition to the MICO company, a group of companies and individuals from COVID19CZ participated in the development of this product's industrial implementation, and I would like to thank them very much for contributing to the super-fast development of a life-saving resource! It is amazing that people are able to come together and solve the burning problems of the world these days. I would like to wish the CoroVent all the best and thousands of rescued patients to life, ”said CTU Rector doc. Vojtěch Petráček.


The CoroVent Ventilator is ready for production in thousands of series and is available to the state. The UN and other partners have shown interest in the CoroVent lung ventilator.

