For his significant lifelong work in the field of medical biophysics and medical informatics and his many years of scientific and pedagogical activities, Prof. MUDr. Jozef Rosina, Ph.D., MBA, Dean of the Faculty of Biomedical Engineering at the Czech Technical University, was awarded a silver medal at a regular meeting of the Scientific Council of Charles University on 27 May 2021 Charles University.
The group of advanced materials, which operates within the Department of Control Engineering of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, is putting into operation a new state-of-the-art laboratory dominated by a device for preparing thin coatings by high-power pulsed magnetron sputtering. The team of Professor Tomáš Polcar will be looking for ideal materials for the modification of engineering parts. The "holy grail" is to find a coating that makes mechanical components virtually wear-free in various applications.
The Faculty of Biomedical Engineering of the Czech Technical University in Prague (FBMI) has received accreditation for a new follow-up master's degree program in Applied Physiotherapy.
The Guide2Research evaluates the success of computer scientists based on their H-index, citations and the number of documents in the DBLP database collected by 10 May, 2021. The "Top Computer Scientists Ranking" includes all top computer scientists from the Czech Republic. The ten best domestic experts include four experts from the Czech Technical University in Prague, specifically from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and the Czech Institute of Informatics and Robotics of the Czech Technical University. The following universities from the Czech Republic are represented in the evaluation: the Czech Technical University in Prague (371st place), Charles University (460th place), the Brno University of Technology (547th place) and the University of Ostrava (641st place).
The Department of Information and Communication Technologies in Medicine of the Faculty of Biomedical Engineering has joined a project entitled "National Program for the Recovery of the Population of the Czech Republic". Its goal is to motivate the population of the entire Czech Republic to move, and thus, as a result, to bring savings for health insurance companies, in the order of tens of billions per year. The project is expected to start on 1 September 2021, its duration is not limited yet.
Of today's robots, it can overcome obstacles the fastest even in difficult terrain, it can safely climb stairs, it can wade through mud and water. The four-legged autonomous SPOT robot from Boston Dynamics joined researchers from the CTU Faculty of Electrical Engineering (FEE) on 3 May to strengthen their chances in the finals of the prestigious DARPA Subterranean (SubT) Challenge, which will take place from 21 to 23 September 2021 in United States of America. In addition to participating in the competition, the robot from FEE CTU will be used in follow-up research in the field of autonomous movement in an environment that is inhabited by people.
Students of the Faculty of Information Technology have been participating in the activities of the American non-profit company Czech-American TV since 2009 through the outputs of their final theses to improve awareness of the Czech Republic and its regions. Thanks to this, CTU FIT was the only faculty in the Czech Republic to receive an award for long-term promotion of the Czech Republic. The award was presented to the faculty by the founder of the Czech-American TV, American producer John Honner.
The Institute of Technical and Experimental Physics (ÚTEF) of the Czech Technical University in Prague has long been dealing with the physics of the microworld, which also includes ionizing radiation. The study of the composition of its energy spectrum, directional vectors of particles and time resolution is a long-term contribution of the institute to the international collaboration Medipix / Timepix, while the institute belongs to its founding members. The development of detectors, application methods and the use of pixel detectors in particular are among the undeniable successes of the institute.
Artificial intelligence (AI) research at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering of the Czech Technical University has entered the most prestigious company of 59 universities in 13 countries. Among the 101 scientists awarded by Amazon are prof. Jiří Matas from the Department of Cybernetics with a project in the field of computer vision and prof. Jan Faigl from the Department of Computers, who uses artificial intelligence to create communication maps of underground spaces.
On Thursday 22 April 2021, an important discussion on the present and future development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Europe, which involved key European scientists, leaders, high-level experts and the general public, took place during the “European Vision for AI 2021“ event, just a day after the European Commission published its European Approach to Artificial Intelligence. The event, organised by the VISION project consortium partners in cooperation with four networks of centres of excellence on AI (AI4Media, ELISE, TAILOR, HumanE-AI-Net), was motivated by the need to discuss with the general public how the European scientific community is currently planning to move European AI forward, to future success in a competitive environment increasingly dominated by the US and China.