The University Primary School Lvíčata (Lion cubs), established by the CTU in Prague, welcomed almost twenty first-year pupils today. Some of them already have experience with Lvíčata, as they come from the kindergarten by the same name, located around the corner from the primary school. The pupils were greeted by the Rector of the CTU Vojtěch Petráček and the Chancellor Lucie Orgoníková.
The industry can significantly help the czech army with the introduction and use of new technologies based primarily on artificial intelligence. There are still many major companies that do not cooperate with the Army. That is why academics met today at the Czech Technical University in Prague with representatives of the government, the army and the private sector.
Caring for orchards and forests requires a lot of mostly manual work. That's the way it's been and probably always will be, and that's fine. After all, orchards and forests deserve the best personal care. But behind that is hard work, where both nature and skilled human hands can sometimes use some technical help.
The Montgomery Whitewater Park in Alabama, USA, will cover 50 hectares and feature two wild water canals. The shorter one, 380 metres long, meets Olympic standards, while the longer recreational one is over 500 metres long. The hydraulic design of the canals and their hydraulic optimization were solved by experts from the Faculty of Civil Engineering of the Czech Technical University in Prague on a scale model of both canals, which were created at the Water Management Experimental Centre of the Faculty of Civil Engineering.
Last week, a regular meeting focused on the strategic topics of digitalisation in ŠKODA AUTO Production and Logistics took place at the Czech Institute of Informatics, Robotics and Cybernetics at the Czech Technical University in Prague (CIIRC CTU). On this occasion, members of the ŠKODA AUTO Board of Directors, Dr. Michael Oeljeklaus and Christian Schenk, together with forty experts from the fields of production and logistics, quality management, finance and IT, were introduced to selected projects that are currently underway at the CIIRC CTU and are related to the automotive industry. During a two-hour tour of the Testbed for Industry 4.0, the scientific teams presented them with concrete research results using the latest technologies available at the RICAIP Centre of Excellence.
Although the Czech Republic has neither a spaceport nor a sea, it has been among the world leaders in simulating space missions for three years now.
In the first half of June, the V4 Innovation Challenge Day took place at the Innovation Centre of the University of Debrecen, Hungary, with the subtitle Military Autonomous Systems. Thanks to the initiative of the Ministry of Defence, the Czech Republic was represented by a team from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, which presented its wheeled robot with an autonomous navigation system.
At its 28th General Assembly on 17 May 2022, the Learned Society of the Czech Republic elected Professor Jiří Matas from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering of the Czech Technical University in Prague as a full member.
The jury of the Břetislav Štorm Award selected the best works in the field of conservation. The student projects reflect different approaches to the reconstruction of heritage buildings and also intervene in the professional debate. The award-winning thesis became part of the documentation for the nomination of Žatecko region to the UNESCO World Heritage List.
Brazil, Mexico, the United States of America, South Korea, Japan, the United Arab Emirates, India, Nigeria, Australia and many European countries, including the Czech Republic.
