The JUNIOR STAR Grants, awarded by the Grant Agency of the Czech Republic (GA ČR) on 4 November 2022, are intended to promote excellence in budding outstanding scientists. This will enable two scientists from Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Ing. Jakub Cikhardt, Ph.D. from the Department of Physics and Ing. Robert Pěnička, Ph.D. from the Department of Cybernetics, to fund their basic research projects, which are expected to have a significant scientific impact on a global scale, over the next five years.
The audio guide contains original sound recordings and memories of direct participants of the parade from Prague's Albertov to Národní třída. Anyone can directly follow the steps of the students who started the Velvet Revolution in Czechoslovakia.
Winners of the second year of the Dean's Award were announced at the Faculty of Architecture of CTU on Thursday, 10 November. The jury awarded the best studio and theoretical works of the past academic year. The works are on display at the CTU FA until 5 December.
On the second weekend in November, the CTU sports team participated in the VIIth World Interuniversity Games held in Barcelona. Exactly 100 students, members of 11 sports teams, fought for the right to represent our university in the strong competition of 3 continents, 25 countries, 64 universities and about 2 000 athletes.
A meeting of participants of the CTU Global Postdoc Fellowship Program with Prof. Ing. Zbyněk Škvor, CSc, Vice-Rector for Science, Creative Activity and Doctoral Studies took place in the CTU rectorate building last week.
To find out what chemistry can be used for, 18 teachers and 27 secondary and primary school students went to the Chemistry Seminar at the CTU on Friday, 11 November 2022. New to this year's 4th edition were the first participants from Slovakia, making the seminar international. The lectures took place in the centre of Prague at Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering of the CTU (FJFI), while the afternoon exercises were also held in the laboratories of the other CTU participating parts: the Faculty of Civil Engineering (FSv), the Faculty of Electrical Engineering (FEL) and the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering (FS).
Research in the field of machine learning and deep neural networks requires time, funds and an extremely powerful software system. Faculty of Information Technology (FIT CTU) provides not only its students of the Artificial Intelligence specialization study programme with a computational GPU cloud based on the state-of-the-art NVIDIA DGX A100 software system worth over 4 million crowns. Thanks to this, students can, for example, simulate the airflow around an airplane wing or determine the age of a person based on facial scans.
Dean of Faculty of Transportation Sciences of the CTU in Prague, prof. Ing. Ondřej Přibyl, Ph.D. together with the Minister for Science, Research and Innovation Mgr. Helena Langšádlová and representatives of the Czech Embassy visited the MobilEye workplace in Israel in recent days.
Vladislav Andronov is currently working at Škoda Auto in a PhD programme. He is a member of a four-member team that has developed a method of metal 3D printing. They were introduced to this method only ten years ago, and now they have their own printer.
The work of students of our faculty has recently won valuable awards. The exposition of the Jaroš-Bednář studio won the competition for the best school presentation at the international Designblok competition. The jury of the Building of the Year 2022 competition awarded three posadas, a design-build project by the Hlaváček-Čeněk studio, with the Foundation for the Development of Architecture and Construction Award.
