Experts from the group of Multirobotic Systems of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering of the Czech Technical University (MRS) have joined forces with the company ADVACAM, with which they are working on the development of a drone independently searching for radiation. Compared to current systems, the drone can use an advantageous combination of small size and flexibility, so the device can be used in difficult-to-access terrain. The drones will be equipped with state-of-the-art detection technology that allows you to find the radiation source up to 100 times more efficiently than is possible today, at an incomparably lower acquisition cost. The detectors will be provided by ADVACAM, a developer of state-of-the-art imaging technology, supplied by, for example, NASA. The facility will serve the police, the army, rescue services and nuclear power plants. The prototype should be ready this autumn. The product should enter international markets in about a year and a half.
Researchers from the Smart Driving Solutions Research Center at the Department of Control Engineering at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering present an animated video in which they suggest an alternative way to autonomous vehicles - before fully robotic cars hit the streets, an important interface should be introduced, an electronic control layer known as drive by wire.
The Faculty of Information Technology involved the CloudFIT faculty computing cloud in the Folding @ Home project. The Faculty thus provided computing power of: 500x Intel Xeon @ 3GHz CPU, 1TB RAM, 4x GPGPU Tesla V100, 32GB.
More than sixty organizations that own special HP Multi Jet Fusion 3D printers from 25 countries around the world have already downloaded the CIIRC RP95-3D half mask. The data was made available by the Czech Institute of Computer Science, Robotics and Cybernetics, which is part of CTU in Prague (CIIRC CTU), in cooperation with the CTU TRIX Connections, s.r.o. start-up company, at the end of March. The print files for the production of several variants of the mask sets were and still are accessible after entering the device serial number on a web portal set up for this purpose.
Scientists and students of the Center of Artificial Intelligence of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering of the Czech Technical University (FEE) have developed a unique application Nebojsa that will help you avoid queues in shops or crowded parks. Based on people's concentration data, it will recommend their users when public places are low-traffic and thus with potentially lower risk of infection. The principle of application is based on the recommendations of the World Health Organization (WHO) on social distancing and is based on a revolutionary research into artificial intelligence. The application is free to download at
Czech Technical University in Prague signed a license to use CoroVent ventilator during crisis on Saturday, 4 April, 2020.
Student Vanda Kotková from Novotný – Koňata – Zmek studio won and her classmate Roman Hrabánek from Kohout – Tichý studio took second place in the 25th international student competition Urban Design Award. Other prizes go to BUT in Brno and STU in Bratislava. The results of the competition had to be announced online this year.
Scientists and students from the Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Electrical Engineering CTU (FEE CTU) in cooperation with the Faculty of Science, Charles University and the Czech Institute of Informatics, Robotics and Cybernetics (CIIRC) are working on automation of COVID-19 sample testing for the Motol University Hospital. The algorithm currently being developed is designed to allow hospital pipetting robots to handle samples quickly and safely, avoiding cross-contamination. The involvement of the Opentrons and Beckman Biomek 3000 robots will make it possible to use test kits newly developed at the Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry AS CR (IOCB AS CR) and can have a major impact on the testing process. If successful, it will replace the work of the laboratory technicians, who will be given room to carry out other activities related to fighting the coronavirus. New software could be deployed during Easter.
The Wowee web application opens the door for human solidarity and allows financial assistance to those who find themselves in a difficult situation at the time of the corona virus infection. The application works on the principle of financial collection, thus becoming contactless help for the ones in need. The project was created in cooperation with students of the Faculty of Information Technology (FIT CTU), originally for the purpose of fulfilling wishes between friends and family.
The idea of using 3D printers for the production of protective equipment at the Faculty of Transportation Technology of the Czech Technical University was born on 30 March and within one week, the faculty tuned both production and distribution. Protective shields and respirators with a replaceable filter are created in the faculty laboratories.
