The first fifteen pieces of the “CIIRC RP95-3D” respirator protector were handed over to the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic by the Czech Institute of Computer Science, Robotics and Cybernetics, part of the Czech Technical University in Prague (CIIRC CTU). During the weekend, the medical staff of Prague's Na Homolce Hospital tested them directly at work. The Facial mask production on special 3D printers can begin. Today, Minister of Health Adam Vojtěch signed a Memorandum of Cooperation on this occasion. The goal is to get as many pieces as possible to hospitals as soon as possible. The process is coordinated in cooperation with the CzechInvest government agency, which, among other things, helped significantly speed up the certification process of this advanced respirator.
This protection is intended for all who are at high risk of contact with coronavirus COVID19 and who are unable to access the fully functional FFP3 protective device and shield for the time being. These are not only healthcare professionals, pharmacists, but also shop workers who are in contact with a large number of people and are in close contact.
In 2010, classmates Jan Sova and Jan Kovář graduated from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering of the Czech Technical University in Prague. During their last year of study, they founded the now successful start-up, ie Workswell s.r.o., which was soon joined by their third colleague Adam Švestka.
The Faculty of Electrical Engineering acknowledges the complicated situation in which history teachers found themselves after closing schools. Therefore, it supports and participates in the HistoryLab web application .
Representatives of the Faculty of Biomedical Engineering CTU under the leadership of prof. Karel Roubík in cooperation with experts from the University Hospital Hradec Králové, Thomayer Hospital in Prague, Masaryk Hospital in Ústí nad Labem and the State Institute for Drug Control submit to the Government of the Czech Republic through the Ministry of Health the Czech Republic for approval a plan to develop a CoroVent ventilator equipment in the event of exhaustion of all available ventilators approved for clinical use.
Experts from universities and institutions met at the Czech Technical University in Prague on 16 March to declare a common approach and call for improvised protection against coronavirus. CTU in Prague was represented by its rector and physicist doc. Vojtěch Petráček, the Faculty of biomedical engineering was represented by prof. MUDr. Leoš Navrátil and MUDr. Emil Pavlík, the Technical University of Liberec by rector doc. Miroslav Brzezina and the group were complemented by Czech entrepreneur and philanthropist Martin Hausenblas.
The main component of disinfectants produced at CTU, namely at the Department of Nuclear Chemistry of the Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering, is ethyl alcohol and distilled water. When preparing surface disinfection, isopropyl alcohol and hydrogen peroxide are added. For hand disinfection glycerol, citral and isopropanol are added. Faculties fill the disinfectant into five and ten liter barrels. Disinfection is used in the premises of the university and its parts, such as the Lvíčata university elementary and nursery school.
The 22nd annual Werner von Siemens Prize was awarded on 5 March. Czech branch of Siemens appreciates the work and projects in the field of technical and natural sciences in four categories: the most important result of basic research, the best diploma thesis, the best dissertation and the best pedagogue. Together with students, their work leaders also receive rewards. This year, special awards were given for overcoming obstacles in study, for the excellent quality of female scientific work and for the graduation work on Industry 4.0.
Na Fakultě informačních technologií ČVUT v Praze proběhl ve dnech 28. až 29. února 2020 historicky první ročník technologického hackathonu HackFIT 2020. Soutěže se zúčastnilo přes 60 soutěžících, z nichž mnohým nebylo ani 20 let. Přesto na 24hodinovém soutěžním IT maratonu ti nejlepší dokázali překonat sami sebe, vytvořit smysluplný projekt a domluvit si spolupráci s předními průmyslovými firmami.
Artificial intelligence in the near future will fundamentally affect people's lives like no other technology. Its responsible development is therefore a key priority for the European Union, the Czech Republic and academia. Therefore, by signing a memorandum, the Czech Technical University in Prague, Charles University and Masaryk University have launched a project to build a European Center of Excellence in the field of artificial intelligence for a more secure society. It develops the national theme and fulfills the National Strategy adopted last year (NAIS).
