The faculty scored in the "Building Constructions and Architecture" section with both its entries. Jiří Petrželka and Kristýna Klůsová, students of the Architecture and Civil Engineering program, took first place with a proposal to transform the real industrial zone in Saint-Denis, France and to revitalize this area in northern Paris, with which they won the national round of the Saint-Comfort Gobain. The students worked on the design in the studio of the Department of Architecture under the leadership of a team of architects Josef Smola, Ladislav Kalivoda, Aleš Brotánek, Martin Stark and Jiří Tencar. The presentation of the project and an interview with Jiří Petrželka and Kristýna Klůsová can be viewed here. In second place was Tomáš Lorenc, also from the Architecture and Civil Engineering program, specifically from the studio of architects Klára Kroftová and Jiří Pošmourný. The student succeeded with a comprehensive proposal for the renovation of the Podbukovinský mlýn Inn. The complete project can be viewed here.
In the section "Structural Mechanics", the faculty won with the sole work registered, namely the "Benchmark VERCORS 2022 - blind prediction of the behavior of reinforced concrete containment" by Štěpán Krátkýfrom the field of Construction and Transport Structures, whose professional consultant was Ing. Petr Havlásek, Ph.D.
In the section "Technical equipment of buildings and energy of buildings", both submitted points for the faculty. Jitka Fléglová from the field of Buildings and Environment won with the project Environmental Assessment of Renewable Energy Sources. The professional consultant was doc. Ing. Michal Kabrhel, Ph.D. The third place was taken by Jan Fučík with the work “Use of dynamic simulation of energy behavior of buildings to calculate the seasonal efficiency of gas boilers”. His professional consultant was prof. Ing. Karel Kabele, CSc.
Unlike other faculties of civil engineering, at the Faculty of Civil Engineering of the Czech Technical University, the SVOČ competition is held in individual sections, does not take place in one day and the sections also have a certain amount of freedom in setting the rules. If a student advances to the international round, the rules announced in the statute sent by the organizing faculty apply to the competition. The international competition is organized by three faculties of civil engineering in the Czech Republic (Prague, Brno, Ostrava) and three faculties of civil engineering in the Slovak Republic (Bratislava, Žilina, Košice).
All contest results can be found at https://portal.fsv.cvut.cz/svoc/2021/vysledky.pdf