Rector of CTU doc. Vojtěch Petráček participated in the commemorative act at Prague's Hradčany Square on 28 October 2021. On the occasion of the 103rd anniversary of the Day of the Establishment of the Independent Czechoslovak State, he and other rectors honoured the memory by laying a bouquet at the statue of the first Czechoslovak President T. G. Masaryk.
The Academic Senate of the Czech Technical University in Prague has today elected Associate Professor Vojtěch Petráček as the person nominated for Rector of the CTU in Prague. In the first round of the election he received 30 votes out of a total of 36. He was the only candidate proposed to the Academic Senate of the CTU. The proposal for appointment as Rector will be submitted to the President of the Czech Republic through the Minister of Education. The new and second term of office for Associate Professor Petráček will begin on 1 February 2022 and will last until 2026.
The current Dean of the Faculty of Civil Engineering of CTU, prof. Ing. Jiří Máca, CSc., FEng. will continue to lead the Faculty after his appointment by the Rector of CTU. On 20 October 2021, he was elected by the Academic Senate of the Faculty as Dean for the second term of office, February 2022 - January 2026.
Rector of CTU in Prague doc. RNDr. Vojtěch Petráček, CSc., received on 25 October 2021 a delegation from the Federative Republic of Brazil led by the Governor of the State of Bahia Rui Costa dos Santos. The meeting was also attended by the Vice-Rector for Science, Creative Activity and Doctoral Studies, prof. Ing. Zbyněk Škvor, CSc., Vice-Rector for International Relations prof. Ing. Oldřich Starý, CSc., Director of CIIRC CTU Mgr. Ondřej Velek, Ph.D. and Chancellor Ing. Lucie Orgoníková. The Governor's visit was a follow-up to the technology mission organized by CzechInvest in February 2019, which was attended on behalf of CVUT by representatives of the CIIRC and the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of CTU.
The Inauguration of the Dean of the Faculty of Biomedical Engineering of the Czech Technical University in Prague, Prof. MUDr. Jozef Rosina, Ph.D., MBA, took place in the Bethlehem Chapel on Friday 22 October 2021 in the presence of guests, academic staff and students.
CTU in Prague was represented twice during the 2nd annual national competition Transfera Technology Day, held at the National Technical Library on 21 October. The statuette for the final participation went to two projects. The first one is the Pad for sensing the load and position of the patient by doc. Ing. Lukáš Vojtěch, Ph.D., and Ing. Marek Neruda, Ph.D., from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, CTU. The second one is the Device for wire treatment for implant surgery by Ing. Karel Tesar from the Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering of CTU with the participation of the CAS.
A new department has been established at the Czech Institute of Informatics, Robotics and Cybernetics of the Czech Technical University (CIIRC CTU), which aims to advance research in the field of artificial intelligence. The institute has long been involved in artificial intelligence, machine, deep or feedback learning in all its departments across the board - from robotics and industry to energy and healthcare - and has always considered this a key area. The creation of a separate department is the logical outcome of a long-standing deep interest in artificial intelligence, which will be strengthened in particular by basic research. The guarantors of research excellence are the head of the department, Dr. Josef Urban, and group leaders Prof. Robert Babuška, Dr. Tomáš Mikolov and Dr. Mikoláš Janota.
Institut Europeum has issued a publication "Assessment of current state, past experiences and potential for CCS deployment in the CEE region", which provides an interesting overview of the highly topical topic of carbon capture and storage/utilization (CCS/U) in the Czech Republic, i.e. technologies for capturing and storing or using CO2 from energy processes.
The Faculty of Biomedical Engineering of the Czech Technical University in Prague (FBMI), specifically its scientists Dr. Ondřej Fišer, Ing. Tomáš Pokorný and doc. David Vrba from the Bioelectromagnetism research team, are collaborating with physicians from the Cardiology Clinic of the Královské Vinohrady University Hospital (FNKV) and the Karlovy Vary Regional Hospital to improve the success and safety of catheterisation closure of the left atrial appendage.
It was developed by the Faculty of Information Technology of CTU (FIT CTU) Ing. Pavel Tůma as a student of his thesis based on open data. IsirExplorer also provides statistics on the insolvency process that have not been available to the public so far. The project was created under the Open Data Laboratory of the FIT CTU with the support of the non-profit organization Hlídač státu (Government Watchman)
