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Quality cooperation and knowledge of practice are among the priorities of the Masaryk Institute of Advanced Studies (MIAS). The Memorandum of Cooperation between the institute and the Ministry of Finance of the Czech Republic, signed on 21 July 2022 by the Director of the MIAS, Prof. Vladimíra Dvořáková, and the Minister of Finance, Zbyněk Stanjura, is a confirmation of this trend.

The Memorandum defines mutually beneficial cooperation in a number of areas, ranging from the possibility of professional internships for undergraduate and graduate students, to lectures by experts from the ministry invited to the MIAS, to cooperation in applied research.


On this occasion, Prof. Dvořáková emphasized, among other things, "Cooperation between academia and state institutions, NGOs or private companies is always a great benefit for both sides. The cooperation with the Ministry of Finance of the Czech Republic allows students of economic programmes of the Masaryk Institute of Advanced Studies to gain experience, meet interesting people and try interesting work. The feedback is also important and has an impact on the nature and content of the teaching. And I think that this is also beneficial for the other side, because the ministry gains influence on the preparation of possible future employees and can also use our experience with lifelong learning of employees or cooperate in the research field."

Jak je zjevné z prohlášení ministra financí Zbyňka Stanjury, i ministerstvo vítá tento typ spolupráce: „Spolupráce ministerstva financí a vzdělávacích institucí je skvělou zprávou pro všechny strany. Profitovat z toho budou jak studenti, tak vyučující a odborníci pracující ve státní správě. Řada absolventů těchto prestižních vysokých škol po dokončení studia zamíří právě do státní správy, řada našich zaměstnanců se zase věnuje činnostem v akademické oblasti. Vzájemná spolupráce je logická a oboustranně prospěšná.“ 

The ministry also welcomes this type of cooperation, as the statement by Finance Minister Zbyněk Stanjura suggests: "The cooperation between the Ministry of Finance and educational institutions is great news for all parties. It is a great win-win situation for students, teachers and professionals working in the public administration. Many graduates of these prestigious universities will enter civil service after graduation, and many of our employees will work in academia. Mutual cooperation is logical and mutually beneficial.

See also: Ministerstvo financí navazuje spolupráci s PF UK a s Masarykovým ústavem vyšších studií ČVUT | 2022 | Ministerstvo financí ČR (

