Foto zdroj: Petr Neugebauer, FEL ČVUT
The Faculty of Electrical Engineering of the Czech Technical University in Prague has decided to donate two and a half million crowns to the account of SOS Ukraine established by People in Need.
An Order of the Rector of CTU, Vojtěch Petráček, came into force today, prohibiting, among other things, the operation of licensed software sold by the Czech Technical University to Russia and Belarus, or the financing of research on the territory of these two states. At the same time, the Rector specified assistance offered to Ukrainians, not only to those who study and work at CTU.
Foto: Jiří Ryszawy, ČVUT
For ten years, the Second Skin competition has been tracking how students of the Faculty of Architecture manage to design residential buildings. The winner of the jubilee edition was Ester Maria Dvořáková from the Redčenkov-Danda studio with her design for an apartment building at Drůbeží trh in Opava. The jury appreciated the well-thought-out concept and naturalness of the design. The winning works and all nominated projects are on display until 10 March 2022 on the ground floor of the Faculty of Architecture.
The "Become a Hero" challenge was supported by students of the Faculty of Biomedical Engineering of the Czech Technical University (FBMI), students of the 3rd Faculty of Medicine of the Charles University (3rd Faculty of Medicine) and firefighters of the Fire Brigade of the Czech Republic. On 10 March 2022, many of them will participate in the bone marrow registry in Kladno at the FBMI (Sítná Square 3105) and in Prague at the 3rd Faculty of Medicine of the Charles University (Ruská 87 street).
Today's Russian attack on Kiev and other sovereign territories of Ukraine resonates throughout society. The media take interest in the attitude of Czech universities towards Ukrainian students. Czech Television was the first to film at the CTU, interviewing the Vice-Rector, prof. Ing. Zbyněk Škvor, CSc., at his home campus of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering. Ruslan, a student whose family lives directly in Kiev and whose older brother has already graduated from CTU, also answered the editor's questions.
As Rector of the Czech Technical University in Prague, at the moment when a crisis bordering on a war has arisen in the east of Ukraine, I issue the following pronouncement:
CTU Rector Doc. Vojtěch Petráček welcomed a delegation of the Committee for Industry, Research and Energy from the European Union, led by its Chairman Cristian-Silviu Buşoi, on Tuesday, 22 February 2022. Na úvod rektor Petráček představil práci univerzity a úspěchy studentů a vysvětlil, jak probíhá spolupráce s ostatními univerzitami. At the beginning, Rector Petráček presented the work of the University and the achievements of the students and explained how the cooperation with other universities is taking place.
On February 17, the Faculty of Nuclear and Physical Engineering (FJFI) inaugurated the laboratory @PlasmaLab@CTU. At a time of rising energy prices, it is increasingly on course to find new, clean sources. One solution to the impending energy crisis may be thermonuclear fusion. In the south of France, scientists and designers have been building the world's first thermonuclear reactor for several years. The Czech Republic is also represented here. Among the entities involved is the Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering, which currently operates the only functional tokamak (fusion reactor) in the Czech Republic. Now, for students and scientists, the faculty has built a modern laboratory, PlasmaLab@CTU, for more than 23 million crowns.
Since 1 February,the Faculty of Transportation Technology has a new dean, Professor Ondřej Přibyl, and one of his first steps was the signing of an exclusive cooperation agreement between the faculty and the leading European university TU Berlin, DAI-Laboratory in the area of introducing autonomous mobility.
