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The prize, sponsored by the CEACM (The Central European Association for Computational Mechanics), is awarded annually to outstanding personalities in the Central and Eastern European region for their contribution to computational mechanics. It is named after Herbert Mang, a living Viennese professor who founded CEACM in 1992, was its first president and was instrumental in the development of computational methods and the development of the finite element method.

Prof. Zdeněk Bittnar (CTU Faculty of Civil Engineering) is a world-renowned personality in the fields of computational and experimental mechanics. In his research activities he deals with all scales of observation, from the nanostructure of concrete to large engineering structures such as bridges with large spans or nuclear power plant containments. Topical areas cover nonlinear material models, dynamics, experimental nanomechanics and multiphysics models.

He has (co)authored more than 2000 reports and publications, published 5 books abroad, trained 22 PhD students, 8 of whom became university professors. From 1999-2008 he headed the Department of Structural Mechanics and from 2003-2010 he held the position of Dean of the Faculty of Civil Engineering. He is also a co-founder of the UCEEB Research Centre and has led over 70 research projects nationally and internationally.

Congratulations on receiving the award, which reflects his scientific and human merits!