The EuroTeQ Presidential Strategic Forum was attended also by Rector of CTU doc. Vojtěch Petráček, who summarised the existing results of the project: "The EuroTeQ Alliance has successfully established a virtual EuroTeQ Campus, which includes a shared catalogue of online courses and EuroTeQ Collider, a challenge-based learning format that engages the industry. The consortium also supports lifelong learning, developing programmes for teachers and professionals, and promotes collaboration with industry partners."
The European approach to technical education was discussed at the EuroTeQ Presidential Strategic Forum by various University Presidents, Vice Presidents for Education, professional colleagues and other guests. Two renowned business schools, HEC Paris and IESE Business School will strengthen the expertise of the EuroTeQ alliance in business education and business start-up capacity. This model is unique in the European higher education environment.
Antoaneta Angelova-Krasteva, Director for Innovation, Digital Education and International Cooperation at the European Commission, emphasised: "Strategic partnerships between higher education institutions are crucial as they allow the exchange of best practices and mutual learning. Europe is facing fierce competition at the global level. To address this challenge, education is paramount - not only from a scientific and technological perspective but also in order to promote European values. I am very impressed by the extent to which the EuroTeQ Alliance is contributing to these goals."
The importance of European university alliances was also discussed last week at the Czeducon conference. On Tuesday, 21 November, a Round Table of European University Alliances was held with representatives of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (MŠMT), the National Accreditation Office (NAÚ) and the House of Foreign Services (DZS). The Vice-Rector for Foreign Relations of the CTU in Prague, Prof. Oldřich Starý commented: "It was a very useful meeting where universities with several years of experience with the European University Alliances project pointed out the problems they have faced and are facing, especially in the field of internationalisation and mobility of students and staff. We agreed on a common approach, mutual assistance, and regular meetings in this configuration. I commend the approach of the MŠMT, the NAÚ, and the DZS, which is gradually succeeding in overcoming legislative obstacles.