This modern technology is suitable for patients with balance disorders. In rehabilitation medicine, the system is used as part of comprehensive therapy and proportional assessment for patients with motor and cognitive impairments due to congenital or acquired brain injury and other patient groups with a need to improve stability and to support balance and cognitive function training. In the elderly, it is mainly used in the prevention of falls due to balance disorders. The system can also be used in physiotherapy for patients after orthopaedic surgery and with reduced mobility of the lower limbs. The applicability of the technology also offers benefits in chronic stages of neurological and orthopaedic diseases where conventional treatment often no longer brings significant improvement.
Mgr. Mgr. Milada Luisa Šedivcová, from the Department of Information and Communication Technologies at FBMI, which has been dealing with the issue of telerehabilitation for a long time, adds: "Telerehabilitation is nowadays a rapidly developing field in the field of medical rehabilitation. We are glad that we could participate in the unique design of this laboratory and we firmly believe that it will serve the patients of this oldest Moravian spa well."