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An assembly of the Council of Rectors of Universities associated in the CESAER organization was held at the CTU in Prague. Radka Wildová, Deputy Minister of Education for the Management of the Section of Higher Education, Science and Research, also attended part of the meeting on Friday. The meeting - as a representative of the home university - was opened by the Rector of CTU Vojtěch Petráček. He also became a special CESAER envoy for the upcoming period when the Czech Republic will hold the Presidency of the European Union.

On 23-24 June, the CTU hosted an assembly of the CESAER Board, which brings together some 60 prestigious European universities and helps co-develop official policy in the field of science, research and education within the EU. CTU had the opportunity to present its top scientific results and involvement in the EUROTEQ project within the European Alliances programme.


Hlavním bodem programu bylo vystoupení Anny Papadopoulosové, ředitelky Generálního direktorátu pro výzkum a inovace Evropské komise s cílem přesvědčit evropské univerzity, aby se aktivně zapojily do činností, podporovaných Evropskou komisí v nadcházejícím období. Předsednictvo CESAERu pozitivně hodnotilo účast náměstkyně MŠMT, paní Radky Wildové, na zasedání a především skutečnost, že ČR zařadila během svého předsednictní EU otázky vědy a inovací mezi prioritní témata společných jednání a diskuzí s členskými státy EU.

The main point of the programme was a presentation by Anna Papadopoulos, Director of the European Commission's Directorate-General for Research and Innovation, with the aim of convincing European universities to actively participate in the activities supported by the European Commission in the coming period. The CESAER Board positively evaluated the participation of the Deputy Minister of Education and Science, Ms Radka Wildová, at the meeting and especially the fact that the Czech Republic included science and innovation issues among the priority topics of joint meetings and discussions with EU Member States during its EU Presidency.

The meeting highlighted the priorities of the association - to support students, scientists and universities affected by the war in Ukraine, to support activities in the field of research infrastructures or synergies in programmes and funding.

CESAER is a European association of leading specialised and comprehensive universities of science and technology that promote excellence in higher education, training, research and innovation, aiming to influence the societal debate, contribute to the realisation of open knowledge societies and have a significant scientific, social, economic and societal impact.