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In April, a guided walk around the Lesser Town was held for Ukrainian mothers with children, the relatives of CTU students staying in the dormitories at Strahov.

Akci uspořádala dobrovolnická skupina z rektorátu s cílem zpříjemnit maminkám a dětem volný čas, ukázat krásná a zajímavá místa historické Malé Strany a seznámit je se základními geografickými údaji o Praze.
Průvodkyně Veronika Hanson výklad a zastavení přizpůsobila dětem a zvolila je tak, aby se účastníci procházky dozvěděli zajímavé informace a zároveň aby si děti mohly pohrát a během cesty si odpočinout.
Role překladatele z češtiny do ukrajinštiny se ujal student Dmytro Khursenko, který studuje obor Otevřená informatika na FEL.

The event was organized by a group of volunteers from the Rector's Office with the aim of making leisure time more pleasant for mothers and children, showing them beautiful and interesting places in the historic Lesser Town and introducing them to basic geographical information about Prague.
The guide Veronika Hanson adapted the interpretation and stops to the children and chose them so that the participants of the walk could learn interesting information and at the same time the children could play and relax along the way.
Dmytro Khursenko, a student studying Open Computer Science at FEL, took on the role of interpreter from English to Ukrainian.

The walk was an inspiration for mothers, suggesting them places to go to with their children, for example on the weekend. The joyful atmosphere of the spring afternoon is illustrated by the photos taken together.

