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The Department of Information and Communication Technologies in Medicine of the Faculty of Biomedical Engineering has joined a project entitled "National Program for the Recovery of the Population of the Czech Republic". Its goal is to motivate the population of the entire Czech Republic to move, and thus, as a result, to bring savings for health insurance companies, in the order of tens of billions per year. The project is expected to start on 1 September 2021, its duration is not limited yet.

The basis of the project are physical activities available to nearly everyone, namely walking and running. It allows not only individuals to compete in an entertaining way, but also administrative units, cities and municipalities, schools, school classes, work and other arbitrarily selected groups. The project will obtain relevant information about the physical activities of the participants, in which they will be motivated - by the government, health insurance companies, schools, employers, etc., and will also enable the effective use of this information for scientific purposes. 

The Faculty will join the project through its experts, who will be able to test their knowledge and experience in mass data collection and obtain population anonymized data on physical activity for further research. 

Researchers from the Faculty of Biomedical Engineering will actually by in charge of collecting, processing and evaluating this data. "Data collection will take place primarily through the platforms of mobile phone and wearable electronics manufacturers, such as Fitbit, Google Fit, Garmin and the like, which will be very challenging itself. We will also create a web portal for registration of participants and visualization of statistics of their performance. The evaluation in the first phase will consist mainly of aggregations through various administrative units, such as regions, municipalities, sports clubs and other groups, "adds Ing. Jan Mužík, Ph.D., from the Faculty of Biomedical Engineering. 

You will learn more from the Call to support of mass physical activities.

Photo: source Pixabay