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The Guide2Research evaluates the success of computer scientists based on their H-index, citations and the number of documents in the DBLP database collected by 10 May, 2021. The "Top Computer Scientists Ranking" includes all top computer scientists from the Czech Republic. The ten best domestic experts include four experts from the Czech Technical University in Prague, specifically from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and the Czech Institute of Informatics and Robotics of the Czech Technical University. The following universities from the Czech Republic are represented in the evaluation: the Czech Technical University in Prague (371st place), Charles University (460th place), the Brno University of Technology (547th place) and the University of Ostrava (641st place).

Nejlepšího výsledku z ČVUT dosáhl prof. Jiří Matas, proděkan pro rozvoj z Fakulty elektrotechnické ČVUT, který je 532. nejlépe hodnoceným odborníkem v celém žebříčku (H-index 83) a současně nejlépe hodnoceným vědcem z České republiky. Jako další ČVUT reprezentují Dr. Josef Šivic z Českého institutu informatiky, robotiky a kybernetiky ČVUT v Praze, který se umístil za ČR na druhém místě, a doc. Tomáš Pajdla, který působí na Českém institutu informatiky, robotiky a kybernetiky ČVUT a Fakultě elektrotechnické ČVUT a který se z českých vědců se umístil na třetím místě. Na pátém místě je poté Dr. Tomáš Mikolov z Českého institutu informatiky, robotiky a kybernetiky ČVUT.

The best result from CTU was achieved by prof. Jiří Matas, Vice-Dean for Development from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, who is the 532nd best-rated expert in the entire ranking (H-index 83) and at the same time the best-rated scientist from the Czech Republic. CTU is also represented by Dr. Josef Šivic from the CTU Czech Institute of Informatics and Robotics, who placed second, and doc. Tomáš Pajdla, who works at the CTU Czech Institute of Informatics, Robotics and Cybernetics and the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, and who ranked third among Czech scientists. In fifth place is held by Dr. Tomáš Mikolov from the CTU Czech Institute of Informatics and Robotics. 

For the first ten experts from a given country, the H-index is higher than 40. The total sum of H-index values for researchers in the Czech Republic is 511 with a mean value for H-index of 51.10. The total number for publications in the DBLP database is 1741 for Czech researchers, the average value for DBLP publications is 174.10. 

Detailed results are available here.