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The Czech Institute of Informatics, Robotics and Cybernetics, which is part of the Czech Technical University in Prague (CIIRC CTU), is strengthening its research teams. Since April, Tomáš Mikolov, an internationally recognized capacity in artificial intelligence research, has taken up the position of head of the research group, working to improve the Google translator, among other things. His arrival at CIIRC ČVUT was also possible thanks to the new RICAIP center project, by which CIIRC ČVUT, together with partners from the Czech Republic and Germany, wants to strengthen its role in the European field of artificial intelligence and robotics research for advanced industry.

Tomáš Mikolov is known to the scientific community and the general public mainly for his leap improvement in the functioning of language recognition and processing applications, such as the Google machine translator. He succeeded in creating new models of neural networks, which significantly surpassed previous approaches to language modeling. The improvements that have taken place in the field of natural language processing have been the greatest in the last few decades. At the beginning of 2019, he won the Neuron Award for Significant Discovery in Computer Science.


Eight years ago, after successfully completing the doctoral program at Brno University of Technology, he left the Czech Republic and gradually settled in Google Brain or Microsoft Research. He joined CIIRC CTU straight from Facebook AI Research, where  since 2014, he has been developing intelligent algorithms for the most natural communication between machines and humans.


At CIIRC CTU, Mikolov is returning to basic research - he will focus on the so-called complex systems, which can lead to further leap improvements in the field of artificial intelligence. As the leader of a new research group within the RICAIP center, he is building his own team, trying to develop a system for the gradual development of strong artificial intelligence. Just as complex forms of life on Earth have been created by natural evolution, complex artificial intelligence should be created by gradual evolution. He sees basic research as a fundamental prerequisite for innovation.