“We also discussed the topic of international cooperation with the Minister. CIIRC CTU has been cooperating with excellent scientific institutions since the beginning of its existence, such as the German DFKI or the French INRIA and is a part of international structures and networks - ELLIS, CLAIRE. Without effective cooperation with top institutes abroad, Czech science cannot fulfill the criteria of excellent world-class research. We greatly appreciate the support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in acquiring and expanding international contacts, ”says prof. Vladimír Mařík, Scientific Director of CTU CIIRC.
“We are pleased by the Minister's interest in CTU's specialized scientific workplaces and projects focused on future technologies. I introduced the Minister to the main pillars of our research activities, among others the IT Center, the Science Center, and the AIZEN Network addressing the use of artificial intelligence for a safe civil society. I asked the Minister to support international networks coordinated by CTU and to help with the acquisition of high-quality foreign students and researchers and for the European integration of the research infrastructure in artificial intelligence, I offered a scheme similar to CERN, with which I have long experience.,” said doc. Vojtěch Petráček.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs takes scientific diplomacy as an important part of its activities and considers it an effective tool not only for linking Czech research with international events, but also as an important part of creating the Czech Republic's branding as a future-oriented country. , a future leader in research and innovation, and strengthening its international position.