CTU Rector doc. Vojtěch Petráček also expressed his appreciation for the team of creators: “I am very glad that researchers of our university successfully represent Czech science abroad and contribute to the shift of domestic industry towards the knowledge economy.”
The Potential of S.A.W.E.R. was confirmed by the words of the research team leader doc. Tomáš Matuška from the CTU University Center for Energy Efficient Buildings, who summarized the results of the development and trial operation of the first prototype in the desert near Sweihan in the UAE: “The six-month testing of the system confirmed its ability to produce water during different seasons of the year. We have gained a lot of practical experience from the operation to finally optimize the equipment being developed. ”
S.A.W.E.R. will be technically integrated and exhibited in Dubai as part of the Czech exposition, whose central theme is the extraction of water from the air and its use for the cultivation of dry desert. The facility will supply an average of 500 liters of water per day for underground irrigation of the garden in the Czech National Pavilion.
Office of the Commissioner General of the Czech Republic's participation at the EXPO General World Exhibition