The vote was attended by hundreds of companies that have more than ten employees and are not the predominant subject of education and teaching. Awards were received by school principals and representatives of the academic community at VIIth annual meeting of the Employers' Club in Bethlehem Chapel on 1 November. In the total evaluation of 193 faculties, the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering placed 4th. For the second time this year, the absolute winner among universities according to the sum of the points of all faculties was also declared. ČVUT once again ranked at the excellent second place. The Diploma for the Czech Technical University in Prague was received from hands of Pavel Hulák, the director of the Employers' Club, who is holding the poll, by the Dean of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, prof. Michael Valášek.
We have the silver in the contest ‘School recommended by employers 2018’
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Already for the fifth time, employers have evaluated high-quality secondary schools at regional level in regions and faculties of colleges and universities at the national level. The aim of the competition is to highlight their strengths and results, to inform prospective pupils and their parents.