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CTU joins the Defense and Security Industry Association as its member. Companies from the defense and security industry have long been cooperating with CTU in the field of research and development. This cooperation greatly helps to raise the technical and technological level of the defense and security industry in the Czech Republic and also helps to train top professionals who are already preparing for their work in this industrial area during their studies.
According to the president of the Defense and Security Industry Association RNDr. Jiří Hynek, cooperation with high-quality universities such as the CTU, will improve the level of research and development of the defense and security industries in the Czech Republic. Rector of Czech Technical University doc. RNDr. Vojtěch Petráček, CSc., stated that: "As soon as I became Rector of CTU, I declared that one of my priorities would be deepening of cooperation between the academic and the private sector in the field of defense and security. CTU's membership in the Defense and Security Industry Association is another milestone in putting this cooperation into practice. "