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The rector of the Czech Technical University in Prague, doc. RNDr. Vojtěch Petráček, CSc., And President of the Research Institute of Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials (KIMM) Chunhong Park signed a Memorandum of Understanding. The conclusion of the Memoranda was initiated by KIMM as an expression of interest in deepening the cooperation at the level of the whole CTU based on the successful solution of the existing cooperation projects, especially the ones by Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, represented by the Dean, prof. Ing. Michael Valášek, DrSc., Head of the Institute of Production Machines and Equipment (RCMT) Ing. Petr Kolář, Ph.D., and Ing. Matěj Sulitka, Ph.D., Head of Co-operation Projects.

The beginnings of the cooperation between the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at CTU in Prague and the KIMM date back to 2014, when the solution of a bilateral project of modeling of heat sources of spindle bearings and spindles, financed by KIMM, was initiated at the Institute of Production Machines and Equipment. In 2016, another bilateral cooperation project between partners in the Czech Republic and the Republic of Korea was supported under the DELTA Technology Program of the Czech Republic with the aim of developing a lightweight high speed gearbox made of composite materials. On the Czech side, CompoTech, the foremost producer of composite materials, is the recipient. Another participant is the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, which extended the range of cooperating institutes to the Institute of Mechanics, Biomechanics and Mechatronics and the Institute of Automobiles, Combustion Engines and Rail Vehicles. On the Korean side, the recipient of the project is SAMYANG, the leading manufacturer of gearboxes and the KIMM research institute. The cooperation so far has made it possible for the Faculty to develop and apply research topics which are at the forefront of the research interests of the faculty. Signing the Memorandum is the promise of further deepening and expanding mutual co-operation.

Based in Daejeon and with approximately 600 employees and students, the Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials is one of the largest and most important research institutions in South Korea. Its main purpose is to contribute to the economic growth of the country through the research and development of key technologies in the field of engineering. The Institute consists of five research divisions: Advanced Production Systems, Nano-Mechanical Systems, Environmental and Energy Systems, Design of Complex Mechanical Systems, Machine System Safety. Thanks to its know-how in the field of precision machining, control and construction, the Division of Advanced Production Systems, which is the main partner of the Institute of Production Machines and Equipment in Czech republic, mainly implements research on materials, processes, equipment, measurement and evaluation needed for the production of very precise products. Advanced technologies form the core of all industries.

