As part of the GE Aviation cooperation agreement, CTU will help build and operate a new ground and aviation test infrastructure. The CTU will thus strengthen its experimental capacity and improve its ability to evaluate knowledge gathered using Predix, the unique GE software. The university will cooperate with the Research and Testing Aviation Institute (VZLÚ) in Prague and Czech aviation factory Orbis Avia in Hradec Králové.
Professionals and bachelor, graduate and doctoral students will be able to access GE's Predix software platform. It is a world-wide, unique industrial base with cloud storage interface. GE Aviation will provide CTU with training and necessary knowledge related to the design of turboprop engines and their digital modeling. Students will collect and analyze so-called large data based on engine outputs and testing. The knowledge gained will serve to identify potential service interventions early before they occur. This will allow you to set the correct maintenance method and optimize the total engine running costs. On the basis of data analysis, the model will develop a digital system for tracking engine operation. In addition to interesting work for its developers, CTU also has the chance to raise students´ interest in the aviation market at the top technological level. From the synergies of GE and CTU, the entire Czech aerospace industry and the overall competitiveness of the domestic economy can benefit.
With the opening of a new aviation and space study program, CTU aims to educate around 50 graduates annually. It will include high-tech aeronautical knowledge that comes from collaboration with GE Aviation.