Publication date: 
On 10 May, the Technical Administration of Roadways of the Capital of Prague (TSK) published conclusions of the diagnostics of the sub-bases and foundation of third pillar of the Libeňský Bridge. This was done by the Klokner Institute of the Czech Technical University in Prague between December 2016 and May 2017. The aim of the study was to verify the actual state of the concrete and sub-base of the pillar and to compare the results with the available archive materials and backgrounds from the already made diagnostic surveys on the main bridge across the river and on the flood bridge of Libeň .

The poor state of the bridge has been in talk for a long time. For these reasons, traffic on the bridge is partially limited. Traffic is avoided and trams cannot meet at any time. The bad condition is confirmed by the Klokner Institute's analysis. The tests revealed a significant non-homogeneity of the concrete base and the underwater part of the pillar. At the same time, it has been found that degradation processes in the concrete are referred to as sulfate corrosion. Currently, extensive diagnostic work is underway on the bridge, which will continue until the end of this year to test the condition of other parts of the bridge.