Faculty of Mechanical Engineering has regained first place in the rankings, as it had received the best overall rating by experts, particularly managers of large engineering companies who employ graduates and can therefore objectively compare with other faculties. They had also applauded the considerable language skills and international experience. The faculty had also won the first prize of the School recommended by employers competition, organized by the Club of employers. This gives graduates assurances that they will be a demanded workforce for the labor market. The faculty has outsocered the Engineering Faculty of the Technical University in Liberec and the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the Brno University of Technology. This is mainly thanks to improvements in international involvement, quality of teachers and rised student interest.
Unlike previous years, the survey in computer science field reflected contract research. Due to this, Faculty of Electrical Engineering defended its lead by a wide margin. TIn two years, the faculty managed to open research projects worth 77 million crowns. It has great connections with foreign universities and has achieved the best scientific results from all of the evaluated universities. The faculty also gained points thanks to the large number of students on exchange internships around the world.
The Faculty of Architecture was evaluated as the second best in the architecture field and the bronze rank in the same field was taken by the Faculty of Civil Engineering.