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An event called Foxconn for schools was held in the premises of the Foxconn company in Pardubice on 26 and 27 November. In the pleasant atmosphere, study possibilities at Czech Technical University in Prague were presented to pupils and students of Pardubice, Hradec Králové and Central Bohemia.

Foxconn company, which plans to invest billions of czech crowns in the Czech Republic, faces a shortage of applicants with technicall skills. Therefore, in order to bring young people closer to technology, the company organized the event on its premises in Pardubice. During two days, it was visited by more than 550 pupils and students of elementary and secondary schools.

Over two days, invited students of primary and secondary schools were acquainted with the research and study possibilities at the Faculty of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Biomedical Engineering and the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and were also introduced to the Eforce formula student team and its single-seater race car. What attracted the most attention, especially of primary school children,was the polystyrene cutter where many unleashed their creativity. The Stabilometric platform with its applications which, among other things, helps people after stroke with rehabilitation even without the presence of medical personnel at home was among the practical research demonstrations.

Photo: Source Foxconn