The working group appreciated the conceptual approach to space by the selected teams. It was also interested in the connection to the history of the courtyard, the work with greenery, stormwater management and last but not least the interdisciplinary composition and experience of the selected teams. The evaluation team is composed of representatives of CTU in Prague, Jaroslav Fragner Gallery, Betlémská Club, the National Heritage Institute and the Institute of Planning and Development of Prague.
The aim of the open call was to find a suitable team to collaborate on the creation of the courtyard concept with an attached manual, on the basis of which CTU will set the rules for both actors based in the premises and external partners who will rent some of the space.
The courtyard is a common space used by all the actors involved in the activities of the Bethlehem Discourse (Bethlehem Chapel, Bethlehem Palace and Jaroslav Fragner Gallery). There is also a summer scene with concerts or film screenings. The object of the concept and gradual cultivation is to achieve a more representative appearance of the courtyard, better performance during the year (appropriate furnishings, greenery, water management), orientation in the area (uniform signage of establishments) and at the same time setting the rules of operation in the area. At the same time, the current genius loci of the site should be preserved.