Publication date: 
A lecture of the Global Science Café cycle streamed by the Faculty of Electrical Engineering of the Czech Technical University will be held on 30 November from 18.00, and will be hosted by Vít Šisler and Jakub Gemrot from the Charles Games studio. Behind the award-winning game Attentat 1942, the studio focuses on narrative games and innovative ways to explore serious topics. Charles Games was established as a spin-off of Charles University and represents a unique connection between the academic sphere and the gaming business. The lecture is moderated by Michael Londesborough.

Vít Šisler, chief designer of Attentat 1942, is a lecturer at the Faculty of Arts of Charles University and an assistant professor in the field of New Media Studies. His research focuses on information and communication technologies in the Middle East and educational games and simulations. As part of his doctoral studies, he completed a research internship at Nortwestern University in Chicago on a Fulbright scholarship.


Jakub Gemrot studied computer science at the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics of Charles University. He is currently teaching at the Charles University, in 2015 he was involved in the creation of a new field "computer game development". He is the managing director of Charles Games and one of the programmers of the game Attentat 1942.


The studio is currently developing a new historical game, Freedom 1945: Liberation.

Global Science Café Czech Centers is a series of popular science lectures and debates with the best Czech scientists, innovators, economists and other important personalities, organized by the Czech Centers and shared within the entire network. It is an informal forum for discussing current scientific and societa


Details on the lecture are available here::

Contact person: Martin Pechanec