Publication date: 
Secondary school students can join the 7th annual Junior Tech University project at CTU this year as well. These are three-month internships at CTU's campus.

Selected secondary school students will have the opportunity to study at faculty of their choosing. Students will be assigned to individual mentors to meet  outside of their school attendance time. The mentors will provide them with some of their lectures and seminars, present the faculty to them and introduce them to some departments or institutes of CTU.

This way, trainees can get acquainted with the university environment before graduation. These internships are suitable for 2nd and 3rd grade students of  secondary schools who are interested in technical fields.

You can sign up by 8 August, 2017, using the application form, available at the Junior Tech University website.

The number of trainees is limited.

Contact person: Lenka Kubešová Zápotocká