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The Academic Senate of CTU elected the chair and vice-chairs at its January session. The new chairman of the AS is doc. Ing. Jan Janoušek, Ph.D., the Vice-Chairman for the employees is Mgr. Veronika Vymětalová, Ph.D. The students will be represented by Ing. arch. Anna Marie Černá.
Anna Marie Černá replaced Ing. Jakub Sláma, who became the chairman of the Student Chamber of the Council of Universities of the Czech Republic in December 2024 and nominated her for the vice-chairmanship. (Jakub Sláma replaced Michal Farník, also from CTU, as the chairman of the Student Chamber of the Council of Universities; Jan Janoušek is also the vice-chairman of the Council of Universities.)
Among other things, the CTU AS approves the CTU Strategy and the internal regulations of CTU and its components. It also approves the CTU budget submitted by the Rector and controls the use of funds and approves the annual activity report and the annual report on CTU management submitted by the Rector.