Students Bc. Denisa Kaňoková from Faculty of Biomedical Engineering, Bc. Jakub Kislinger from Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Ing. Daniela Opočenská from Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering received the awards of the Ministry of Education for outstanding students and graduates of their respective study programme and for extraordinary achievements from the hands of the minister. The ceremony was also attended by the Rector of CTU doc. Vojtěch Petráček.
The MEYS has been awarding the prize in its current form since 2014. The award may be given to a student or graduate of a bachelor's, master's or doctoral study programme for exceptional results in studies or in scientific, research, development, artistic or other creative activities related to studies. The award is also given for an exceptional act of civic bravery, responsibility or dedication. In total, 18 laureates and a group of students from Faculty of Social Sciences of Charles University were awarded.
Photo: MEYS