The ceremony took place in the presence of His Excellency Ambassador of the Czech Republic Mgr. Martin Vávra, State Secretary of the Cambodian Ministry of Health, Rector of the University of Health Sciences and other distinguished guests.
Among the visitors who attended the opening ceremony were representatives of Cambodian hospitals and private medical technology companies. During the tour of the laboratory, many expressed interest in future graduates in biomedical engineering.
The laboratory was completely renovated as part of a long-term project aimed at helping to introduce biomedical engineering into the health system in Cambodia with the support of the Czech Development Agency. The building of the laboratory started from the very beginning, through construction work, building of the medical isolation system, to the supply of medical equipment and the supply of laboratory tasks for teaching students.
Prof. Roubík from Faculty of Biomedical Engineering sums up the success of the project so far: 'The opening of this laboratory can be considered a successful result of several years of FBME's efforts to introduce biomedical engineering in countries where this profession does not yet exist. As a result of FBME's involvment in Cambodia, the Cambodian Ministry of Health plans to establish a new profession of "Biomedical Engineer" and include it in the country's health care system. The opening of this laboratory is thus another step towards the early realization of this plan."