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The Czech Rectors' Conference has prepared the project "Universities for Society". On its fcb profile it publishes texts of individual schools according to pre-selected topics. Our university has chosen the theme: 'CTU - education for all generations'. We present the text below, it will appear on the fcb of the ČKR on July 10 - so give us a like :-)

CTU: from kindergarten to university of 3d age.

When you say college, it doesn't necessarily mean education provided only for bachelors, masters/engineers and PhDs.

University-established kindergartens and primary schools

The CTU has been working with children as young as preschoolers in the Lvíčata (Lion cubs) kindergarten. It has two branches - one in Dejvice, Prague, and the other in Žižkov, on the premises of the VŠE. It helps students and employees of both universities to combine family life with their work responsibilities.
The Lvíčata (lion cubs) Primary School is now open to the general public and teaches children from 1st to 5th grades. The University Primary School and Kindergarten Lionesses are guided by the slogan: "Thanks to science and technology, we learn about our world." And that is exactly the role of the CTU for the youngest generation, to enable knowledge from an early age. Small classroom teams or the opportunity to visit the CTU's specialist departments lead to top results for pupils, not only in lessons but also in various national and international competitions.



In addition, CTU tries to inspire a love of mathematics, technology and science in primary school pupils and to encourage their talent. Our faculties have various partner primary schools, and cooperation is also developing with the city district - in 2024, as part of the first year of the so-called Project Day, 500 children from 8th and 9th grades of Prague 6 primary schools visited the faculties of CTU and showed great interest and knowledge.
The CTU also organises other events for primary schools, such as the national mathematical competition Pit of Lions, and last but not least, the Children's University holiday camp under the auspices of the Rector. After a week packed with the programme provided by the CTU, in terms of professional departments, but also in terms of sports, the children become "Young Bachelors" and "Young Engineers" according to their age; and this is done at the "graduation" in the Bethlehem Chapel, the ceremonial auditorium of the CTU.




CTU introduces itself to high school students at fairs such as Gaudeamus or StreTech, where it offers them theoretical information and practical demonstrations. They can also find out what they can study at the university at various popular and educational events such as the Science Fair, ScienceFest, Night of Scientists, some of which are directly co-organised by CTU with other universities or scientific institutions. And of course, the faculties themselves cooperate with individual secondary schools across the country and offer the programme to secondary school students according to their focus.



University and college students

What all CTU brings to those who study it would be a very long description, and it is the most expected role of the university. Emphasis on bilingual education, opportunities to study abroad, cooperation with universities in the EuroTeQ alliance or through the Erasmus programme... and at the same time top teachers and experts at the faculties, the possibility of involvement in professional life while studying... This is also connected with such "little things" as is the ability of the school to provide accommodation in its dormitories for all prospective students.    


In working age

What has started to develop massively is the system of lifelong learning. The Lifelong Learning Centre was established as an independent department of the Rectorate of CTU in March 2023; all course offerings can be found on the Lifelong Learning Portal, which was completely modernized in 2023. The course categories have been restructured, new learning formats have been added and there has been a significant inclusion of micro-certificates in the course outputs, which is a recognition of the acquired expertise of the course graduate at a European level.




Further development for people entitled to a retirement pension (60 years and over) is offered by the 3rd Age University of CTU. Its participants have access to knowledge in the fields of technical and natural sciences, history and culture, all at the level of university studies. At the end of the academic year, the graduates of the University of the 3rd Age receive a certificate, which is handed over, as in the case of university diplomas, at a festive assembly in Bethlehem Chapel.


Not only education

Research at the CTU also concerns all generations, we are trying to strengthen the security of the state, we contribute to sleep research or the production of prosthetic devices, we develop formulas and rockets, we teach pilots, robots explore difficult terrain, we are dedicated to the development of computer games, the shape of public space, buildings of all kinds, nuclear energy... From the underground to the sky, CTU is everywhere. And as such a ubiquitous institution, on its own and in partnership with other Czech universities, it must contribute to education, and consequently to the cultivation of our entire society.