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The Centre for International Development Projects at Czech Technical University in Prague (ICWD) is proud to announce the successful completion of a three-year global development education and awareness project. During this project, more than a hundred lectures were organized, covering a wide range of disciplines and interdisciplinary specializations. The lectures were aimed at the general public, university students, and students in high school and the final years of primary school. These lectures provided participants with the opportunity to broaden their horizons, gain new knowledge and insights into various issues of humanitarian and development projects from different regions of the world, learn new information about the importance of these projects and the importance of technical aspects in their implementation.

In addition to the lectures, the Center organized five project marathons, which focused on architectural and construction assistance to projects of various development organizations: Praga Haiti, Czech Hospital in Pakistan, Namasté Nepal, Naše děti in Congo and Humanitas Africa in Ghana. These projects gave participants the opportunity to create a real project for the development of these countries and to gain valuable experience in the field of building construction and architecture in foreign development projects.

The week-long summer school "Development September" was the biggest success by far, featuring yurt building and a seminary on natural materials. These activities gave participants new perspectives on development projects and gave them an insight into different aspects of development work and its technical aspects. Participants experienced teamwork and actually touched some building construction technologies.

Humanitarian and development organisations often need the advice of technically trained experts if their projects are to work well, even technically. The mere involvement of technically trained professionals in foreign development projects increases the likelihood that the resulting structures and infrastructure will last longer and serve better. "Our experience reinforces our belief that an interdisciplinary approach leads to better quality development projects," said Dr. Jan Tilinger, founder of the Centre for International Development Projects at Czech Technical University in Prague (ICWD).

"Our activities have had very positive feedback, and I would mention in full the thanks from Congo for the outcome of the project marathon held in October," said Tilinger.

The thanks from Congo in full:

"Dear friends,

"you can't imagine how impressed we are with your excellent work. Thousands of miles away from us, you have done the work as if you were right here on the spot. If I'm honest, these drawings and visualizations match what we envisioned building on our property and we can't wait to see them come to fruition. Thank you so much and we wish you all and each of you individually every success in your studies and practice. May God, the Lord of all architects, bless you and continue to give you inspiration.

Father Jean-Martin"

The last event of the project was the December Project Marathon, where the Centre created a study for the new use/reconstruction of the community centre and facilities for Humanitas Africa.

This year, ICWD, in collaboration with a team of enthusiastic volunteers and students and the Friends of New Renato, begins the year with a project to build a secondary school in Kashito, Zambia. The foundation of this volunteer group was formed at the first meeting of the so-called Development September.

ICWD thanks all participants and partners for their contribution and support during the project. It is very important that a platform for education and awareness has been created, which also provides an opportunity for the public to learn more about development projects, their technical aspects and the world in a global and local context.

"We would also like to thank our and external experts who shared their experience and insights with the participants. Their contribution was indispensable for the success of the project and was key to broadening the participants' horizons," added Jan Tilinger.

ICWD looks forward to working with the public and partners in the future to further develop educational and outreach projects that will help people understand and contribute to the world.

Thanks are also expressed to Czech Development Agency for its support: the project was supported by a grant from the Czech Development Agency from the funds of the Czech Foreign Development Cooperation.

Photos and visualizations can be downloaded here


Ing. Jan Tilinger, Ph.D. - ICWD project management, +420 608 522 854,
Civil engineer, founded ICWD, the International Centre for Development Projects at CTU. Architect of the unique Solar School project in Kargyak in the Indian Himalayas. Chairman of Surya z.s. He has also worked as a journalist, development worker, carpenter, building auditor, educator, photographer. He teaches at CTU on how to work in climatically, economically and culturally diverse areas.

ICWD (International Center for World Development) is a multidisciplinary platform for promoting education and interdisciplinary cooperation in the field of international development projects. The main objective of the centre is to improve the quality of international humanitarian development projects carried out by Czech organisations abroad and to link the cooperation of experts from different disciplines. The centre seeks to broaden the opportunities for education of students and the public in the field of development cooperation and non-traditional technologies and the related expansion of their employment opportunities. In the long term, the centre aims to create a study programme focused on technical aspects of development projects (development engineering).