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To find out what chemistry can be used for, 18 teachers and 27 secondary and primary school students went to the Chemistry Seminar at the CTU on Friday, 11 November 2022. New to this year's 4th edition were the first participants from Slovakia, making the seminar international. The lectures took place in the centre of Prague at Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering of the CTU (FJFI), while the afternoon exercises were also held in the laboratories of the other CTU participating parts: the Faculty of Civil Engineering (FSv), the Faculty of Electrical Engineering (FEL) and the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering (FS).

The fourth annual Chemistry at CTU was officially opened by Prof. Zbyněk Škvor (Vice-Rector of CTU), doc. Václav Čuba (Dean of FJFI) and Petr Distler (the seminary organizer). Then, Prof. Milena Pavlíková (FSv) took the floor with her lecture "Will modern analytical methods fully replace classical methods?", followed by a varied discussion, especially with students solving the Chemistry Olympiad. The second lecture from FSv was given by Klára Kobetičová, who tried to bring the audience closer to the answer to the question reflecting the title of her lecture "How does the bioavailability of chemicals affect the ecotoxicity of (not only) building materials?"

Marie Skálová (FJFI) reported on radiopharmaceutical chemistry, Petr Pokorný from the Klokner Institute presented his research on how chemistry can be used in corrosion engineering and the morning session was closed by Hana Průšová with the topic Gelatin as you don't know it.

The event was again organized by the Letec Educational Institute together with Czech Technical University in Prague. "Both teachers and students praised the variety of topics presented in the first part, as well as the practical exercises in the laboratories in the afternoon. There were eight of them, so the participants were in small groups and everyone got to try out the prepared topics for themselves," explains Petr Distler from the Department of Nuclear Chemistry at the FJFI. He has been involved in popularising chemistry education for a long time, for example, he is one of the judges of the Experientia Foundation's Bezva Chemie grant or participates in the tasks of the aforementioned Chemistry Olympiad. "I am very pleased that participants come to this seminar repeatedly, so we are always trying to come up with new and interesting topics," adds Petr Distler.

„Chemie na ČVUT je akce vhodná jak pro učitele chemie, kteří se mohou dozvědět aktuální informace ze svého oboru, tak pro žáky, kteří získají lepší vhled do fungování vědecké práce a zároveň mohou být motivováni pro studium chemických oborů na vysokých školách. Velmi si cením pečlivě připravených laboratorních prací, které jsou součástí této akce,“ tak hodnotila akci Vendula Škutová z pražského Gymnázia Altis. „Celý program bych zhodnotil jako velmi pěkný a zdařilý a perfektně organizačně zvládnutý. Každý si odnesl kromě úžasných zážitků a nových informací také certifikát o absolvování,“ píše ve svém zhodnocení na webu Gymnázia Zikmunda Wintra Rakovník Kamil Březina, který vzal s sebou na seminář tři své studenty.

"Chemistry at CTU is an event suitable for both chemistry teachers, who can learn current information in their field, and for students, who will gain a better insight into the functioning of scientific work and at the same time can be motivated to study chemistry at universities. I very much appreciate the carefully prepared laboratory work that is part of this event," said Vendula Škutová from the Altis Prague Gymnasium . "I would evaluate the whole programme as very nice and successful and perfectly organized. In addition to amazing experiences and new information, everyone took away a certificate of completion," writes Kamil Březina, who took three of his students to the seminar, in his evaluation on the website of the Gymnasium Zikmund Wintra Rakovník.

Some photos from the event can be found here.
