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A novelty of this year's Energy Olympiad, which culminated in the final round on November 3-5, 2021, was the focus on the currently much discussed issue of climate change. Students had the opportunity to better understand the context in this area.

This year, a respectable 363 teams (1,070 students) entered the school round, which took place on October 15. As last year, this year not only the school round but also the finals took place on-line due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Although the students did not have the opportunity to come to the Faculty of Electrical Engineering of the Czech Technical University in Prague, they had more time to process their videos.   

A total of 363 teams from all over the Czech Republic entered the third year of the competition, of which 330 submitted the test on time. Compared to last year, the interest of students has increased by 30%. The 25 best teams advanced to the final round and the team that placed 26th also exceptionally won an extra wild card. The majority of registered students (60%) were from secondary schools, the others were mainly from technical and higher vocational schools. As in previous years, students from all regions of the Czech Republic participated this year as well.    

In the final round, students first listened to lectures by experts, then, in cooperation with mentors from among professionals and teachers of energy literacy, chose a topic to work on. All communication between the competitors and the organizers took place through the Slack communication platform. Throughout the day, the students dutifully consulted their ideas with nearly two dozen mentors. The consultations also took place in the late hours of the night. The next day, the students had the task of uploading the results of their work to YouTube.    

The ten-member evaluation jury then evaluated the originality, professional level, feasibility but also the quality of the presentation. The selection of 25 submitted videos was not easy at all, the jury agreed that the overall year-to-year level was increased.  

The winners of the 4th Energy Olympics are:

  1. place - Physicists - Gymnázium, Benešov, Husova 470
  2. place - Energus - Gymnázium Evolution, s.r.o.
  3. place - val - PORG – gymnázium a základní škola, o.p.s.

The general partner award went to the Wren team - Gymnázium, Plzeň, Mikulášské nám. 23.

The winning team received a reward of CZK 50,000 and the students of the first three most successful teams secured the opportunity to get to university without entrance exams.

The final ceremony took place on Friday 5 November at 5 pm in the form of a live broadcast from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering of the Czech Technical University in Prague. Actor Jiří Maryško and student and lecturer of Energy Literacy Kamila Roučková compered the broadcast.   

The general partner of the project is the company ČEPS. The professional guarantors are: FEE CTU in Prague, Gasnet, ŠkoEnergo, E.on, SevenEnergy, ERO, FEI VŠB TU Ostrava, FEKT VUT in Brno. The media partners of the competition are:, Ámos vision, Czechoslovak Journal of Physics.   

Photo, source: Energetická gramotnost
