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It was developed by the Faculty of Information Technology of CTU (FIT CTU) Ing. Pavel Tůma as a student of his thesis based on open data. IsirExplorer also provides statistics on the insolvency process that have not been available to the public so far. The project was created under the Open Data Laboratory of the FIT CTU with the support of the non-profit organization Hlídač státu (Government Watchman)

The aim of the thesis entitled "System for aggregation and display of data on insolvency proceedings" was to create a web presentation with statistics on insolvency proceedings in the Czech Republic. The resulting application IsirExplorer provides the public with clear and detailed statistics on insolvency proceedings. Data on the status of regions, creditors, administrators and statistics on the insolvency process are clearly displayed for the user using graphs, tables and maps.

In this way, it is easy to find out the volume of insolvencies, the average amount of claims filed, their number and the success rate of individual insolvency administrators, including their remuneration.

"Data on the progress of individual proceedings are published in the Insolvency Register in the form of PDF documents. Detailed data on insolvencies are currently not published in any other way and the PDF format is not ideal for machine reading," says Pavel Tůma, adding: "I have therefore designed a system for automated reading of data from PDF documents in the Insolvency Register and their clear visualisation."

The infrastructure for storing the data was provided by Michal Bláha, the head of the Hlídač státnu portal. FIT CTU provided the application server and thesis management Ing. Mark Sušický from the Open Data Laboratory. The application is available at, open source code at: