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Another top foreign scientist came to the Czech Republic thanks to the newly emerging RICAIP center to strengthen research on "Czech technology". In July 2020, Torsten Sattler, a computer vision expert, joined the Czech Institute of Informatics, Robotics and Cybernetics at the Czech Technical University in Prague (CIIRC CTU). This German researcher, who moved here from Sweden, decided to combine his next career with Czech science and propel the field of artificial intelligence (AI) and robotics for advanced industry.

Until this summer, Dr. Torsten Sattler worked at the Swedish Technical University Chalmers in Gothenburg. His main research interest is 3D computer vision with a focus on 3D reconstruction and visual localization. At CIIRC CTU, he intends to build a research group of five experts who will focus on machine learning and 3D computer vision.

"It turns out that CIIRC CTU is becoming an attractive workplace for recognized experts from Europe and around the world. Research excellence, which we have been striving for from the very beginning, would not have been possible without openness, cooperation and connection towards the world, "notes prof. Vladimír Mařík, scientific director of CIIRC ČVUT and the main coordinator of the RICAIP project (abbreviation for "Research and Innovation Center for Advanced Industrial Production"), and adds: "Dr. Sattler absolutely meets all these aspects and I am very happy that after a demanding selection process he is entering one of the new so-called tenure track job positions, which we were able to create at CIIRC CTU thanks to the construction of the RICAIP center. "„Moje práce má přímé aplikace v robotice. RICAIP na CIIRC ČVUT mi nabízí možnost pracovat se skvělými vědci v oblasti robotiky a podrobněji prozkoumat možnosti propojení počítačového vidění, robotiky, rozšířené reality a umělé inteligence. Plánuji pracovat na algoritmech pro pokročilou lokalizaci a 3D rekonstrukci, které budou fungovat robustně a spolehlivě na širší škále scén a zároveň pracovat s faktem, že skutečný svět je dynamický,“ vysvětluje Dr. Torsten Sattler.

 "My work has direct applications in robotics. RICAIP at CIIRC CTU offers me the opportunity to work with great scientists in the field of robotics and to explore in more detail the possibilities of connecting computer vision, robotics, augmented reality and artificial intelligence. I plan to work on algorithms for advanced localization and 3D reconstruction, which will work robustly and reliably on a wider range of scenes, while working with the fact that the real world is dynamic, "explains Dr. Torsten Sattler.

"Thanks to the state-of-the-art infrastructure being built within the RICAIP center, currently one of the EU's largest AI and Industry 4.0 projects, Dr. Sattler has a great chance to get involved in projects for industrial use, "emphasizes Dr. Tilman Becker, Director of RICAIP, continues: "RICAIP gives researchers the opportunity to identify open issues in related fields and focus on scientific directions that have a perspective on the applicability of the results."

In recent years, Torsten Sattler has visited Prague many times and developed long-term cooperation with research teams at CIIRC CTU, specifically with groups led by Josef Šivic and Tomáš Pajdla. "Prague is attractive to me for several reasons. It has a very strong community of computer vision scientists. I even dare say that CTU and CIIRC CTU have one of the strongest computer vision research groups in Europe. These people, together with the institutional background provided by CIIRC CTU, are able to attract top students and offer the possibility of world-class research. Last but not least, the city is pleasant to live in and offers a comfortable and safe environment that is well connected to other countries, " Dr. Torsten Sattler sums up the reasons for his decision.

Prior to joining Sweden, Torsten Sattler addressed a similar research topic at the Institute of Visual Computing at one of the world's leading universities in technology and science, ETH Zurich in Switzerland. He studied computer science and defended his doctoral degree at RWTH Aachen, the largest technical university in Germany and one of the most recognized in Europe.


Photo: Roman Sejkot, CIIRC ČVUT