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The Faculty of Electrical Engineering acknowledges the complicated situation in which history teachers found themselves after closing schools. Therefore, it supports and participates in the HistoryLab web application . a web application for working with historical sources offers an efficient and user-friendly digital environment that can be used to teach contemporary history in the current situation. This application is being developed by the Department of Education of the Institute for the Study of Totalitarian Regimes in cooperation with the Faculty of Electrical Engineering of the Czech Technical University in Prague, the Faculty of Education of Charles University, the Institute of Contemporary History and the Masaryk Institute of Chech Academy of Sciences.

The authors of the application gradually publish exercises that are already proven “in the field” in classrooms and adjusted based on the reactions of pupils and teachers. As of 18 March, six new exercises have been published, such as “That Was Glory” examining the importance of launching the Prague Metro.

The administration system included in this application makes it easy to share the results of the pupil's work and gives the teacher the option to give pupils feedback on their work. This system is available to all teachers after registration. If you have any technical questions about HistoryLab, please contact the authors at: