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The French Embassy awarded the prize ceremoniously in the premises of the Buquoy Palace on Wednesday, 20 June. The event was chaired by Jean-Marie Lehn, Nobel Prize winner for chemistry in 1987. There were also two notable guests: Jean-Pierre Sauvage, the Nobel Prize winner for chemistry in 2016, and Serge Haroche, Nobel Prize winner for Physics 2012, and of course the Ambassador of France, Mr. Roland Galharague.
The competition was attended by a total of 70 candidates aged under 33 nominated either by a college or the Academy of Sciences on the basis of the quality of their research work within their PhD studies. Scientists from CTU radiated success with the first three prizes. All three of them are from the Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering. Over 100,000 Czech crowns are attached to each prize as reward from partner organizations. The first and second prize receives a scholarship from the embassy that will allow them a monthly research stay in a French laboratory of their choice. Petr Distler took the first prize, the second was taken by Petra Suchanková and the third prize was taken by Anna Michaelides.