The City of Prague manages a large number of waste bins of various categories and purposes. Hundreds of them need to be replaced every year. The most frequently used hexagonal concrete bin is to be gradually replaced by a type with better functional and aesthetic properties, which will meet the specifics of the location in the Prague Monument Reserve, for example.
The Institute of Planning and Development of the City of Prague (IPR Praha) together with the Technical Administration of Communications (TSK) showed interest in the new form of the heavy-duty trash bin the winter before last. Matěj Nedvěd developed the design during the winter semester of 2022, the process involved IPR Prague, TSK and the Experimental Centre of Faculty of Civil Engineering of Czech Technical University in Prague, where the prototype was completely developed. "We used both previous experience from the design of highly durable protective baskets and a composite material based on silicate, which appropriately combines both the necessary durability and the ability to capture the fine structure of the design on its surface," say Michal Mára and Přemysl Kheml from the Experimental Centre.
Matěj Nedved's concept is to be loosely based on the existing line of original Prague furniture, the basis of which came out of a competition won by the Olgoj Chorchoj studio in 2017. "The trash bin should complement the current line with a durable and more affordable variant, which is missing from the set so far," says Jan Kadlas from IPR Prague's Public Space Office.
The concrete relief of the basket subtly imitates the expanded metal surface, which is already used in urban furniture. "The high weight, the fine structure, the removable anchoring system and the ease of servicing are designed to resist the various forms of vandalism that cause numerous damages to current concrete models every year. At the same time, the stainless steel lid and plastic liner eliminate some of the problems associated with overfilling and waste collection," says author Matěj Nedvěd.
The prototype is currently on display at the piazetta of Faculty of Architecture, where it is testing its functionality.