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E-commerce will be the theme of this year’s traditional LAW FIT conference, which links the world of law and the world of information technologies. The conference will be held on May 29th, 2023 by the Faculty of Information Technologies of CTU in Prague (FIT CTU) on FIT‘s own premises. The event is aimed at a broad range of specialists, and is free-of-charge for registered participants.


What will e-commerce 2.0 be like? What are e-commerce companies worried about, and are they right to be worried? Will purchasing change with the advance of virtual reality and extended reality? These are questions that the LAW FIT 2023 conference at FIT CTU will attempt to answer.

Electronic trading is currently undergoing structural changes. Present-day targetted offers of goods and services cannot operate without intelligent promotion instruments. Most offers nowadays are personalized, and untargetted e-mails offering goods belong to the past.

“The regulation of e-commerce is undergoing  massive changes in 2023 and 2024 . New responsibilities and requirements for platforms, for on-line marketplaces and for website comparison analysis tools are just a few examples of new regulations. At the same time, new, much higher sanctions are  being introduced, often based on the trader’s turnover. This is the reason why we chose this topic for this year’s conference,“  says JUDr. Zdeněk Kučera, Ph.D., a partner in Dentons international law office who teaches at FIT CTU and at the Law Faculty of Charles University.

“The conference will be addressed by leading specialists in the field of electronic commerce and law, and we are happy that we can again welcome hundreds of interested participants from the specialized public,“ Zdeněk Kučera adds.

The LAW FIT conference is aimed at specialists of various kinds - businesspeople, lawyers, civil servants, students and academics. IT specialists and also legal experts are invited. Participation in the conference is free-of-charge for people registered via the web pages. News about the conference can be followed on social networks at hashtag #lawfit. The co-organiser of the event is the ICT law section of the Law Faculty of Charles University, and the Bird & Bird law office is a partner of this year’s event..

Further information on the conference website

Contact person: 
Ivana Macnarová